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Stanislava Fišárková

Econom Specialist

Stanislava Fišárková - Econom Specialist

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Stáňa graduated from Mathematical Methods in Economics at the University of Economics in Prague in 1992. Now she specializes in managing and checking budgets for film and television productions. Among other things, she participated in the preparation of the series “Nemocnice na kraji města” (Hospital on the Edge of the City)”, “Zdivočelá země” (Wild Country) or feature films Mach a Šebestová (Mach and Šebestová), Kousek nebe (Piece of Heaven) and Ulovit miliardáře (To catch a Billionaire).


Stáňa has extensive experience in the processing and accounting of grants and subsidies, mainly from the Structural Funds and the Ministry of Culture. She is currently working on the checking of the budget fulfilment of the Operational Program Research and Development for Innovations at the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences in Dolní Břežany, which is covered by the Structural Funds.


Stáňa works with FACTA on an external basis.

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